Sunday, February 28, 2010

Trailer project

Joel and his buddy have been working on fixing up an old trailer frame we had buried under some junk at camp. Here are some pictures of the progress. Trailer Project

Sunday, February 7, 2010

April 16-18

April 16 through the 18th we will be having a camp service day at Camp Decorah. We're looking to tackle the following projects:
  • Replace the roof on the OA lodge
  • Install 2 new pool heaters
  • Repair pool tiles
  • Cleanup, and spread new wood chips on hiking trails
  • Replace flooring in Gebhardt Lodge
  • Repair/rebuild COPE events
  • Build a new pavilion at the Rifle Range

Monday, April 6, 2009

Volunteer Project 2009-2010

The prototype of the Firewood/Trash storage unit for the campsites is complete, check out pictures of it.
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Friday, March 20, 2009

This week at Camp Decorah

This week I had Joel and Jordan Thole come out and help me build some more shelves around the shop on Wednesday.

Today Al Johnson and Jon Just came out. Al and I worked on building a prototype for the firewood/trash storage unit while Jon cleaned the heck out of the storage shed.

Monday, March 9, 2009

This week

Got back from camp school friday night, did some cleaning around camp this weekend and now its back to work. Heres what I have on the list for this week.
  • Finish updating reservation forms.
  • Begin layout for new buddy tag boards at the pool.
  • Inventory cleaning supplies, order more if needed.
  • Finish cleaning up downed tree by Iroquois camp site.
  • Change furnace filters.
  • Begin compiling supplies needed to service lawn mowers (spark plugs, filters, oil, etc).
  • Practice Arc welding.
  • Take a load of scrap in.

Friday, February 13, 2009

South Well pump

I found the spare pressure switch, heres a picture of the cover of the old switch. You can see where it arched and melted a hole in the cover.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Water Problems

The pressure switch on the well that feeds most of camp is busted. It shorted out for some reason, melting through its plastic casing. I had found a spare pressure switch a few months back now if I can just remember where I put it.....


About Me

Year round care taker for Camp Decorah.